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IMG_3636.jpg - Nos. 39-40 built by pioneering textile merchant Nathan Appleton.  Known as the "purple panes" of Beacon Hill, only a few buildings have them.  The amethystine mauve color was the result of the sun's ultraviolet light on the imperfections in a shipment of glass sent to Boston around 1820.

154 | Nos. 39-40 built by pioneering textile merchant Nathan Appleton. Known as the "purple panes" of Beacon Hill, only a few buildings have them. The amethystine mauve color was the result of the sun's ultraviolet light on the imperfections in a shipment of glass sent to Boston around 1820. | IMG 3636 | 10/26/10 8:47 AM | 1024x683px | 370kB Download Original Image
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T1i | Date: 10/26/10 8:47 AM | Resolution: 1024 x 683 | ISO: 400 | Exp. Time: 1/400s | Aperture: 11.0 | Focal Length: 21.0mm
Total images: 198 | Last update: 11/19/10 11:31 PM | www.8-3-2003.com/Photos | Help